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Facility Schedule
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Swim Time Definitions: 

Early Bird Morning Swim: The early bird gets the lane! Early swim time for the early risers!  The hot tub and leisure pool are open during this time also!

Family Swim:  Time for families only.  All children (0-17) must be accompanied by an adult in the water, no exceptions.

Senior Swim:  A quiet swim time set aside for our patrons 55+ years of age (lanes available). 

Adult Swim:  A swim time set aside for adults only.  Enjoy a leisure swim, swim lanes, soak in the hot tub.  18yrs+ only (lanes available).

Parent & Tot:   A relaxing swim time for parents and their little ones. Ages 0-7 to be accompanied by parent(s) or legal guardian(s).

Lane Swim:  Self-directed swimming for fitness. Lane Ropes are installed during all Lane Swim times.

Leisure Swim:  Leisure pool, hot tub & slide available.  Main pool unavailable due to lane swim.  Everyone welcome!

Public Swim:  Open time for EVERYONE!

$4 Admission Swim:  Open time for EVERYONE! $4.00 Admission for EVERYONE!

Water Fitness: Instructed deep & shallow water fitness ~ open to anyone who either holds a membership or drops in. 

Senior/Parent & Tot Swim: For anyone who enjoys a quieter time in the pool, from families with children under 6 years to seniors and beyond!

Thinking of coming for a swim?

We have everything you need if you don't have your swimming gear!
There are towels for rent!
We sell Speedo swimsuits! 
We have adult and kid sized Goggles for purchase!
We also carry Swim Caps, Ear plugs and Nose clips!
*All sales are final*


To stay up to date with everything recreation Like us on both our Facebook pages:

 High Prairie Recreation

High Prairie Aquatic Centre

For any questions or inquires contact us by email or call us at 780-523-4224!

See you at the pool!