Town Council of High Prairie
Trust – Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or organization.
Respect – Showing respect to all in our interaction
Communication – Honest and open communication of thoughts, opinions, and information with all citizens of High Prairie, neighbors and other governments.
Courage – The willingness to take calculated risks and step outside of one's comfort zone
Mayor Brian Panasiuk
"I would like to thank the people of High Prairie for your support. I am looking forward to representing your concerns at town council. I have raised my family here and I believe that we have an amazing town. Like any town we have our challenges but I have confidence that we can continue to improve and grow. Being new to town council, I recognize, I do not have all the answers and that there is lots to learn but I am excited to be part of the council that will help lead High Prairie into an exciting future."
Boards & Committees:
- Disaster Services Committee
- Joint Recreation Committee
- Inter-Municipal Committee
- Heart River Foundation
- Northern Alberta Mayor and Reeves Caucus (NAMRC)
- Northern Alberta Elected Leaders (NAEL)
- High Prairie & District Community and Health Foundation
- Alberta North Central Alliance
- Broadband Committee
Councillor Donna Deynaka
"I am once again honored to serve the citizens of High Prairie for another 4 years. I will do my best to represent your voice. The next 4 years will be difficult as we face a downloading of responsibilities onto municipalities by the Government, as well as a reduction in funding from them as well. By working together, I believe we can accomplish our goals and create a sustainable community for generations."
Boards & Committees:
- Disaster Services Committee
- Budget Review Committee (Library)
- Budget Review Committee (Fire Department)
- Lesser Slave Watershed Council
- High Prairie & District Museum & Historical Society
- Bylaw Review Board
Alternate on:
- Children's Resource Council
Councillor John Dunn
Thank you to the citizens of High Prairie for giving me the opportunity to serve you on town council. It is a privilege to work together with the women and men that you have elected to make decisions on behalf of the town.
Since being elected as a counsellor I have quickly become aware of some of the challenges we face as a community. I am also aware of the pride and resolve that you the citizens take in making High Prairie a great place to live.
My commitment as a council member will be to represent our community with integrity and a desire to work towards maintaining our strengths as a community and finding ways to make improvements where necessary! Thanks again for your trust!
Boards & Committees:
- Disaster Services Committee
- Municipal Planning Commission
- Inter-Municipal Committee
- Budget Review Committee (Fire Department)
- High Prairie & District Waste Management Authority
- Children's Resource Council
Alternate on:
- Federation of Alberta Gas Co-ops/Gas Alta Inc.
- Community Partnership Team - CHCW
- Community Education Committee
- High Prairie Aboriginal InterAgency Committee
Councillor Sacha Martens
"Thank you, friends and neighbours, for your vote of confidence. I am excited and honoured to have been elected to serve the Town of High Prairie.
My husband and I are blessed to call High Prairie home. We love it here!
I feel inspired by the group assembled beside me in Council chambers. They are dedicated, and we each bring a diverse set of talents and experience to the table. I look forward to working with my fellow Councillors in an open, positive, and respectful manner. Together, we will steward our finances wisely, continue to renew infrastructure, and make decisions with fairness, transparency, and prudence.
My door is always open, and I welcome the opportunity to sit down and chat about what you love about this town, and areas where we may consider doing things differently. My aim is to represent your concerns to the best of my ability, and be guided by what is best for all.
With gratitude."
Boards & Committees:
- Disaster Services Committee
- Subdivision and Development Appeal Board
- Budget Review Committee (Library)
- Airport Commission
- Mackenzie Municipal Services Agency Board
Alternate on:
- Joint Recreation Committee
- Lesser Slave Watershed Council
- Big Lakes Family & Community Support Services
- High Prairie & District Community & Health Foundation
- Bylaw Review Board
Councillor Judy Stenhouse
Boards & Committees:
- Disaster Services Committee
- Subdivision and Development Appeal Board
- Inter-Municipal Committee
- Budget Review Committee (Recreation)
- Federation of Alberta Gas Co-ops/Gas Alta Inc.
- Big Lakes Family & Community Support Services
- Bylaw Review Board
- High Prairie Aboriginal InterAgency Committee
Alternate on:
- Mackenzie Municipal Services Agency Board
- Alberta North Central Alliance
Councillor James Waikle
Boards & Committees:
- Disaster Services Committee
- Municipal Planning Commission
- Joint Recreation Committee
- High Prairie Municipal Library Board
- Peace Library Board
- Community Education Committee
- Bylaw Review Board
- Broadband Committee
Alternate on:
- High Prairie & District Waste Management Authority
- Emergency Management Advisory Committee
Deputy Mayor Therese Yacyshyn
Boards & Committees:
- Disaster Services Committee
- Budget Review Committee (Recreation)
- Big Lakes Family & Community Support Services
- Community Partnership Team - CHCW
- Emergency Management Advisory Committee
- Broadband Committee
Alternate on:
- Heart River Foundation
- Airport Commission
- High Prairie & District Museum & Historical Society